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Clone of Discover, fork and try out APIs

Learn about the Public API Network, discover, fork and try out existing APIs.

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About this module

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Explore APIs in Public, Private and Partner workspaces
  • Create a fork
  • Pull changes from parent collection to fork
  • Access local and shared environments in public and private documentation
  • Switch between environments in private documentations to change variable values
  • Generate code snippets to send request from another application

Chapters15 mins

  • Public API Network
  • Explore the Public API Network
  • Fork and try out an API
  • Fork and try out an API
  • Test your knowledge
  • Challenge: Fork and try out the Welcome API!
  • Wrapping up
  • Resources
  • Recap

About this module

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Explore APIs in Public, Private and Partner workspaces
  • Create a fork
  • Pull changes from parent collection to fork
  • Access local and shared environments in public and private documentation
  • Switch between environments in private documentations to change variable values
  • Generate code snippets to send request from another application

Chapters15 mins

  • Public API Network
  • Explore the Public API Network
  • Fork and try out an API
  • Fork and try out an API
  • Test your knowledge
  • Challenge: Fork and try out the Welcome API!
  • Wrapping up
  • Resources
  • Recap